Refund Policy

CoffeeChat refund or cancellation policy



Refund are reversal transactions wherein complete or partial money is moved back to customer’s source account (account from which actual payment was made). A refund can only be created for a successful or settled transaction. Use case for a refund arises in the following scenarios:

·        Customer initiated refund (returns/cancellation) - Customer has changed his mind about the consumption of product pre/post order delivery

·        Merchant initiated refund - Refund can be initiated by the merchant in the following scenarios:

o   Product/service is not available

o   Merchant works on a prepaid model wherein the initial amount was higher than the final billed amount (prepaid service model)

o   Mismatch in transaction status between CoffeeChat and merchant wherein transaction is failed state at merchant's end but is successful at CoffeeChat’s end.

You can initiate partial or complete refunds to your customer’s source account. A refund request usually takes 7-14 business days to reflect in customer’s account depending on the bank used for payment.



Step 1: Check eligibility of a transaction for an instant refund

The instant refund should only be provided for payments done through CoffeeChat application . Instant refund for Credit Card transactions should be enabled with caution - you should prevent customers from availing free credit by cancelling orders and accepting refund in a bank account. Refunds for orders paid via coffeechat wallet are always instant by default and made to the respective method.


Step 2: Getting refund destination details for a customer

The merchant is expected to create a flow wherein you take customer’s bank account details to initiate a refund. These bank account details have to be validated with coffeechat. On successful validation, Coffeechat return a customer asset token to initiate the refund.


Step 3: Initiate a refund

Pass the customer asset token in the refund request. coffeechat processes the refund in the bank account of the customer after validating this token.


Initiating a refund

To initiate the refund into the customer’s bank account, pass the asset token in the refund request. There are scenarios wherein we will change the instant refund destination to original payment destination even if you share otherwise:

  • If the token is passed for a transaction where the payment was done via coffeechat wallet. In this case, CC will refund the money into the customer’s wallet
  • In case of failure of a refund to the requested bank account, Coffeechat will automatically refund to the destination from which the payment was made delaying the process of refund
  • In case the refund destination is flagged by cybersecurity authorities, then a refund will be sent to the destination from which the payment was made.